Background Magazine
, 0 12: AM
Another Hungarian project - it’s a vivid progressive scene in that former Iron Curtain country! Adam Török & Mini are a quartet, obvious influenced by Focus: lots of flute with strong echoes from Thijs van Leer. The first two tracks (12 and 20 minutes) sound tasteful with lots of strong flute and piano ideas, but also some longwinding moments. The other three tracks (between 2:30 and 9:02) are more captivating: good piano and flute interplay in “Nomad of the winds”, great solos (organ and electric guitar) in “Lord of the vineyard” and classical sounding flute and piano interplay in “Biofood for children”. These are good musicians with good ideas but in my opinion Adam Török & Mini have to keep the running time of the tracks under 10
minutes on their next CD.