Welcome to our catalogue!
The following pages contain all our products and some words about them.
You can see the prices as well. The construction of this website is permanent,
so every products distributed by Stereo Kft. will be here soon.
How to use our catalogue
You can find a menu in the left side of the screen with categories which
help you in searching. If you click on them, you can reach the product you're
looking for step by step. You can choose by artist, album title, country and music
genre. As you can see there's also a quick-search above.
How to order
You can order each album using the 'ORDER' button below the scanned artwork
on the right side of the screen. Only registrated members can order, in case
their details are complete! While visiting, you can see what you've already
choosen by clicking the button 'SHOPPING CART'. When you order, please check again
your own detailed registration datas, and if you find them correct, click on
the 'ORDER' button. Sorry, but you can't pay by credit card! We only recive
cheque or cash send by mail, or bank transfer. You'll get our bank details,
and the complete amount by e-mail.
Each album has a forum, where you can express your oppinion on it. Everyone
can read these, but only registrated members can write a new note!
If you have any questions please contact: webmester@perifericrecords.com
Have a nice visit!