Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Vágtázó Csodaszarvas
Örömtüzek a világ tetején world music psychedelic

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1.Őseink élnek (7:15)
2.Fenn a világ tetején (5:23)
3. Vágtázó lovak ünnepe (7:06)
4.Örömtüzek (5:38)
5.Táncolj a tűzzel (5:48)
6.Szikambriában (4:39)
7.Tündértáncz (5:10)
8.Tündérvilág (8:04)
9.Égigérő Fa (3:00)
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FA 401-2 CD 2017   0.00
Star Ride
world music psychedelic

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1.Hajnali szél / Morning Wind (7:12)
2.Gyönyörű vágy (Aláírhatatlan történelem - 2011-es változat) / Forever Burning Desire (Unsubscribeable History - 2011 version) (8:03)
3.Tábortűznél / By the Camp Fire (6:10)
4.Borzongás / Shiver (10:31)
5.Lovasnépek éneke / Song of Horse People (7:58)
6.Égről a földre, földről az égre / From the Sky to the Ground, from the Ground to the Sky (5:08)
7.Júlia szép leány / Julia Pretty Girl (6:16)
8.Éjféli varázs / Midnight Miracle (9:11)
9.Csillaglovaglás / Star Ride (11:10)
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FA 2612 CD 2011   0.00
Endless Asia!
(Végtelen Ázsia!)
world music

Enlarge this picture! A miraculous eastern whirlwind breaks up from this music, an eddy that nips you away like a dream! Natural easiness, joyful power that makes you fly. The latest album of Grandpierre Attila's group playing world music of ancient power is characterized by freshness from Middle-Asian, Moldavian, Transdanubian, Chinese and Indian folk music.
In the endless plains of Eurasia the horse-riding people lived through this compelling world of experience,from which the impressive folk music of the ancient steppe was born, speeding on the back of galloping horse throughout thousands of years. On this CD the Galloping wonder Stag lets the magic power of the compelling of music free. Everithing is pervaded by the fascinating feeling when the energy is liberated, the gates to the living universe open wide, and the cosmic creating power of the All blooms there. The Galloping Wonder Stag gives over the direction of its music to the miraculous cosmic creating power living within us. This is the secret of its genuineness of ancient power.

Attila Grandpierre - voice
Csaba Bakos - percussion
Botond Bese - bagpipes
Róbert Benkó - double bass
András Fazekas - drums
András Fábri - cister
Géza Fábri - strings
Bernadett M. Gebri - vocals
Krisztina Molnár - violin
Géza Orczi - tapan, ud, saz, buzuki, dzura, tambura, tamburica
Zsolt Vaskó - wind instruments

1.Napkapu -Sungate
2.Hunok csatája - Battle of the Huns
3.Ének a csillagokig - Song to Reach for the Stars
4.Tengertánc - Dance of the Sea
5.Égi áramlás - Heavenly Flow
6.Mámoros éji vágtázás - Ecstatic Galloping at Night
7.Emlék - Memory of an Other Life
8.Emberélet - Human Life
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FA 2472 CD 2008   0.00
Pure Source
(Tiszta forrás)
world music psychedelic

Enlarge this picture! The Galloping Wonder Stag can be taken as an organic continuation of the Galloping Coroners. Attila Grandpierre, with the help of his new band mates, who happen to be incredible folk musicians, was able to find a solution for the seemintly impossible task of raising the Galloping Coroners’ music to a new and higher standard.

”For the duration of the entire night’s debut performance, we will hear from the Hungarians’ and man’s prehistoric, until now almost unknown and forgotten musical traditions. These are further fused in an organic harmony compiled from the musicians’ own personal stylings encompassing a vast space and time of more than a thousand years of music to the present, influenced by and ancient strength and the magic of folk music interpreted through contemporary sounds, dances and spectacles. The performance was born from the result of several decades of research and collecting from Europe’s and Asia’s horse culture’s magnificent, ancient music. The concert gives new respect and life to Béla Bartók’s folk musical conceptualizations, the horse people’s high culture and to the bearers of these traditions, the Galloping Wonder Stag Ensemble, and The Galloping Coroners body of work.” – Attila Grandpierre

Attila Grandpierre – vocals
Botond Bese – bagpipes
Kálmán Balogh – cimbalom
Félix Benke – drums
Róbert Benkő – double bass
Mátyás Bolya – lute
Tamás Geröly drums
Bernadett Márton – vocals
Krisztina Molnár – violins
Szabolcs Róka – lute
Balázs Szokolay Dongó - winds

1.Végtelen Egy - Infinite One
2.A Zene lakodalma - Music’s Wedding
3.Mámoros éji vágtázás - Elated Nocturnal Galloping
4.Rég volt - A Long Time Ago
5.Fohász egy lóhoz - Prayer To A Horse
6.Pótolhatatlan Halhatatlanság - Irreplaceable Immortality
7.Vágtázó Himnusz - Galloping Anthem
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FA 2302 CD 2006   0.00