“In the small Szekler village at the foot of Harghita - Zeteváralja - the song has been performed for generations. In the workshop of my grandfather, Gyurka Bokor, neither Szekler gates nor carved furniture were made, as in the case of other villagers. He made instruments in the midst of whistling fun. I was born into this world of folk music through his violin and double bass production and night-time singing. This record is the main drive before the centuries-old tradition of my ancestors.
Selected songs from Zetelaki collections have been added to the album and for the sake of variety, some Moldavian songs are also adorned in the closing part. The musicians who accompany the songs in zither and kobza are Hungarian, which proves that the folk songs of Transylvania are welcome, strengthening our togetherness. ”
Tünde Bokor
Tünde Bokor - vocal
Viktor Pócsik - zither, flute
Vajk Kobza - koboz
1. | Szállj el fecském | 2. | Zöld erdőben | 3. | Csend van a faluban | 4. | Konstancáról elindult | 5. | Kimegyek a hegyre | 6. | Kék ibolya búra hajtja | 7. | Kimentem a hegyre | 8. | Kiáradt a Kisküküllő | 9. | Piros kancsó | 10. | Kászon völgye | 11. | Nem kaszálok | 12. | Erdő, erdő | 13. | A Küküllő mellett | 14. | Hej, az én babám | 15. | Azt gondoltam | 16. | Magas a dézsi temető | 17. | Menek, anyám | 18. | Te bujdosó székely | 19. | Aradi ballada | 20. | Ó, én édes Istenem |