Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Tin-Tin Quartet
Plays of Shadows
world music jazz

Enlarge this picture! Re-release at Periferic Records of the second Tin-Tin Quartet album. Still fantastic oriental music with the following instruments: anklung, shaker, fujara, dvojnice, sansa, guitar, mbira, bass-kalimba, rain stick, kalimba, ektar, bull, bells. If you need peace, harmony but still excitement: Plays of Shadows is your music.

Gábor Juhász - gitár, anklung, shaker
András Monori - fujara, kaval, dvojnice, sansa, gitár, anklung
Szabolcs Szőke - gadulka, kalimba, mbira, sansa, ektar, anklung, bells, bull
Péter Szalai - tabla, sansa, mbira, bass-kalimba, rain stick

1.Kataki (12:07)
2.India Blue (12:46)
3.Lepkevadász - Butterfly Hunter (6:16)
4.Térdeplő - Kneeling (9:48)
5.Egész hangok - Whole Notes (4:40)
6.Quart modellek - Quart Models (4:57)
7.Párbeszéd - Dialogue (7:39)
8.Árnyjátékok - Plays of Shadows (7:42)
9.Hajnalváró - Waiting for Dawn (4:48)
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BGCD 075 CD 2001   0.00
world music jazz

Enlarge this picture! The sound of this ensemble turns back to the roots of oriental music, based on the scales of ragas, and Bulgarian-Turkish scale variations, so called makamas, as well as the tipical mood of the half-tone scales frequently used by Bartók.

Gergely Borlai - percussions, bells, marimba
Gábor Juhász - guitar, anklung
András Monori - kaval, nay, sansa, guitar
Szabolcs Szőke - gadulka, kalimba

1.Tavaszi teker - Winding in Spring (13:16)
2.Pa-Pa-Hú (9:32)
3.Szaggatott vonalak - Broken Lines (14:18)
4.Végtelen szalag - Endless Ribbon (5:52)
5.Ütközés - Confrontation (11:56)
6.Ibi-Aba (13:06)
7.Gagaku (3:50)
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BGCD 039 CD 1999   0.00