Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Gerots Synthezis Group
Last War progressive

Enlarge this picture! Since the Synthezis was formed, officials have always asked: where our music could have been ranged to: contemporary music, jazz or rock? Well, all of them at the same time. History of music has overcome the great experiences- time of synthesis has arrived.
(Zoltán Gerots)

However, Zoltán Gerots has been grown up listening to the music of such great European baroque, romantic and modern organ players as J.S.Bach, César Franck, Messiaen, the effects and elements of rock and jazz guitarvirtuosos can be heard while he plays the synthesizer.
(Max Earnst)

However, Zoltán GEROTS has been grown up listening to the music of such great European aroque, romantic and modern organ players as J.S.Bach, César Franck, Messiaen, the effects and elements of rock and jazz guitarvirtuosos can be heard while he plays the synthesizer.
(Max Earnst)

Really great virtuosos like playing their musical instruments in trio, either in jazz (McLaughlin, Pastorius), either in rock (Hendrix, Emerson) or in both genres (Gerots). However, it is true they need viciously great bass guitarists and drummers.
(John Morton)

Zoltán Gerots - keyboards
Christine von Fáy - bass, 12 string guitar, violincello
Sultan MCT - drums

1.Grave (2:07)
2.Praeludium (2:36)
3.Area B-15 - B-15-ös szektor (3:59)
4.Taking off - Felszállás (3:30)   
5.Radarzone - Radarzóna (3:59)
6.Over Stormy Clouds - Viharfelhők felett (3:23)
7.The Sleeping Town - Az alvó város (5:25)
8.Target - Célpont (7:18)
9.Fighting for Survival - Tűlélőharc (2:19)
10.Vae Victis (3:05)
11.Gammaray - Gammasugárzás (4:14)
12.Miserere (3:27)
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