Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
New Colours
(Új színek)

Enlarge this picture! New Colors
The history of Color dates back to 1967, when three teenage students of the Bokor family in Debrecen (keyboardist Gyula, bassist Tibor and drummer Attila) formed their first band called "Bokor ensemble". They are already university students when guitarist Emil Lámer and cellist László Pólya join them (!!!). At the time, they were still playing under the name of DOTE, referring to their university, but they soon realize they need to choose a more understandable name. Their choice is Color.
It’s really imaginative because their music is extremely colorful, varied. Many refer to them as a "symphonic rock" band, suggesting that the band liked to mix rock music with classical elements. The
Miklós Felkai is the new guitarist on the album New Colors released in 1982. The record is a huge success. We can also say that it is a collection of hits. More beautiful melodies, tight tempos alternate.
The album also includes songs from the band’s 3rd unreleased album, which were added to the CD as bonus tracks.

Attila Bokor - vocals, gongs, chimes, drums
Gyula Bokor - vocals, keyboards, harpsichord
Bokor Tibor - vocals, mellotron, bass guitar, acoustic guitar
Miklós Felkai - guitars

Ferenc Stark - keyboards, backing vocals
Endre Döbrögi Varga - drums
Babos Gyula - applause, Jupiter program
Gábor Lakatos - applause, mini-moog
Ferenc Muck - saxophone

1.Az orvos válaszol
4.Elvesz a föld
6.Bűvös kocka
7.Arról jöttem én
8.Úgy kell
10.Jöhet egy új felvonás
bonus tracks
1.Forróvérű vagy
2.Soha nem kértem kegyelmet
3.A legkisebb fiú
4.Hé, lány, olyan szexi vagy
5.Meggyógyulsz, tudom
6.Narancsszinű kép
8.Jön még...
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HCD 37973 CD 1982 / 1999   0.00
Color rock progressive

Enlarge this picture! Color
The name of the band are really imaginative because their music is extremely colorful and varied. Many refer to them as “symphonic rock” bands, suggesting that the band liked to mix rock music with classical elements.

"The album is a framed opus, with amazing ideas, twists, demanding intro, ferocious unfolding, and then finishing."

Attila Bokor - vocals, gongs, chimes, drums
Gyula Bokor - vocals, keyboards, harpsichord
Tibor Bokor - vocals, mellotron, bass guitar, acoustic guitar
Miklós Felkai - guitars
Emil Lámer - guitars, vocals
László Pólya - vocals, cello

István Bergendy -soprano saxophone

2.Hárommilliárd év
3.A nap siet
5.Ikaruszi zuhanás
6.Elképzelt világ
7.Jó lenne tudni
bonus tracks
2.Fényes kövek
3.A bohóc
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HCD 17567 CD 1978 / 1999   0.00