Lajkó Félix
Most jöttem…
world music |
1. | Még azt mondják | 2. | Verbunk | 3. | Harangszó | 4. | Kicsi madár | 5. | Mi zörög | 6. | Lassan kocsis | 7. | Elmegyek | 8. | Diófa | 9. | Szivaroztam | 10. | Most jöttem | 11. | Román | 12. | Zeng a szó |
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FA 371-2 |
CD |
2016   |
€ |
world music |
1. | Hiszti | 2. | Boszorka | 3. | Festek | 4. | Göncölszekér | 5. | Parkoló | 6. | Szomorkodó vers | 7. | Neked | 8. | Zöldségleves | 9. | Kutyahűség | 10. | Tenger |
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FA 377-2 |
CD |
2016   |
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Field (Mező)
world music |
Félix Lajkó - zither
Antal Brasnyó - viola
Michael Kurina - cimbalom
Ferenc Kurina - double bass
1. | Csárdás - Csárdás 3:49 | 2. | Mező - Field 3:02 | 3. | Eper - Strawberry 2:48 | 4. | Szellő - Breeze 2:58 | 5. | Cipők - Shoes 2:36 | 6. | Nyár - Summer 3:59 | 7. | Kijárat - Exit 5:54 | 8. | Vasút - Railway 4:32 | 9. | Forgalom - Traffic 6:36 | 10. | Szépség és a szörny - Beauty and the Beast 2:27 | 11. | Bolygó - Planet 1:59 | 12. | Gyár - Factory 3:28 | 13. | Kuvasz - Kuvasz 2:35 | 14. | Hajszál - A strand of hair 2:28 |
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FA 2832 |
CD |
2013   |
€ |
Makovecz Tour - In Memoriam Imre Makovecz (Makovecz turné - Makovecz Imre emlékére)
world music |
Félix Lajkó the violinist from Vojvodina undertook a tour including 9 concerts in 2011 in which he visited special community centres and churches designed by Imre Makovecz from Slovenia to Transylvania. All of these particular buildups are determinative part of the Hungarian architectural heritage, and unique in many respect like the architectural construction, the acoustics and the artistic value as well.
Since Félix came to know the works of Imre Makovecz, he has been enchanted by them because both of their excellent acoustics and the irregular artistic effect of the rooms inspires him to make admirable music.
Stages of the tour were the so called traditional Makovecz buildings like the Onion House in Makó, Community Centre in Sárospatak, the Lendva Theater and churches which can be easily found in international touristic guides: chuches of Paks, Siófok, Százhalombatta, Kolozsvár and Csíkszereda.
This album was recorded at the locations of the tour to be reminiscent of the great architect, Imre Makovecz who died meanwhile at the age of 76.
Félix Lajkó - violin
Antal Brasnyó - viola
1. | Nyitány | 2. | A madárnak | 3. | Tekintet | 4. | A repülőnek | 5. | A gödörből | 6. | A földön | 7. | Vigadó | 8. | „Kék” | 9. | Busz | 10. | Ősz | 11. | A bokorból | 12. | Az úton | 13. | Selyem |
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FA 266-2 |
CD |
2011   |
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Seventh (Hetedik)
world music |
„Felix Lajkó is already not the same Felix Lajkó that he was say two years ago. The explosive energy we are accustomed to is still there in his music, but now he no longer wants to charm his audience with speed and ecstatic outbursts; his music is laced instead with a harmony and poetry that still leaves room for the virtuosic, quick runs. This is something like Jimmy Page playing ’Since I’ve Been Loving You’ on his third album, after ’A Whole Lot of Love’ and ’Immigrant Song’. An instrument’s genius has realized that his virtousity is no longer a secret. He has taken the step beyond exhibitionistic virtousity..... instead of flittering distractedly about on the strings, he has started really playing music (....). So... Felix Lajkó has grown up.
Hopefully he has gone beyond the camp of comet fated geniuses, towards true artistry.” Norbert Haklik, Magyar Nemzet, 11. 09. 2003.
Félix Lajkó - violin
Ferenc Kurina "Vörös" - double bass
Antal Brasnyó - viola
Michael Babinchak - cello (1, 4, 8, 11)
1. | Bástya / Bastion | 2. | Az Őr / The Guard | 3. | Bogár / Bogár | 4. | Láttam / Accept | 5. | Eljegyezve / Engaged (Citronynak & Móninak / to Citrony & Móni) | 6. | Pont / Full Stop | 7. | Kérés / Request (Laurának / to Laura) | 8. | Csoda / Miracle | 9. | A Király / The King | 10. | Merev / Rigid | 11. | Válasz / The Answer | 12. | Ház / House |
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CDA 003 |
CD |
2004   |
€ |
Lajkó Félix 2002
comprehensive |
1. | Sétálni | 2. | Aludni | 3. | Indulni | 4. | Ébredni | 5. | Hurrá | 6. | Szeretni | 7. | Bankot rabolni | 8. | Szökött ősz | 9. | Bicikli | 10. | Habos sziget | 11. | Danóni | 12. | Soha |
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CDA 002 |
CD |
2002   |
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Lajkó Félix és bandája játszik
world music |
Félix Lajkó - violin, vocal, zither
Ferenc Kurina - double bass
Kurina Michael - cymbal
Károly Varga - viola
Tibor Takács - percussion
Antal Brasnyó - violin
Róbert Ambrus - percussion, Fiat 500
Gojko Alilovic - double bass
Zsolt Kelemen - viola
Henrietta Varga - voice
Endre Vas - violin
Mátyás Lajkó - ostor
Ferenc Csaba - violin
Tünde Ivánovics - vocal
Valentina Kakas - traktor
Ferenc Katkó - voice
Ilona Lajkó - vocal
Kriszta Tokodi - gordonka
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CD |
2001   |
€ |