Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Rost Andrea
Pannonian Songs
(Pannon dalok)
world music

Enlarge this picture! Andrea Rost is sharing her sentiments about her wider homeland – in songs. Having sung the most prominent opera roles, the idea of rephrasing the musical culture of the Pannon region has occured to her – but this time not in the language of the opera. Filtered through three different ethnic groups, she draws an internal picture about the musical tradition of Hungary and the Central-European region. To realise all these, she found such composers to collaborate with who are not only knowledgable but also well-known performers of their art. The Balázs Dongó Szokolay – Mátyás Bolya composer duo’s folk music inspired reproductions as well as Ferenc Jávori klezmer music, go wandering into innumerable corners of this extraordinarily rich world of tunes, ranging from the archaic Hungarian folk songs through the tunes of the Roma ethnicity as far as that of the klezmer tunes, which moulds many different kinds into one. Szilvia Bognar's authentic style, learnt from the peasant musicians, is a fair match complementing the folksong interpretetations of Andrea Rost, well known from the Bartók and Kodály reproductions. The encounter of these five musicians is not merely the encounter of different genres, it is rooted much deeper than that: one spirituality moulded into honest chamber music.

Andrea Rost - vocal

Balázs Szokolay Dongó – flute, bagpipe, tarogato (sounds like a clarinet), soprano sax, fujara, doromb,
Mátyás Bolya – koboz
Miklós Lukács – cymbal
Péter Glaser – double-bass

Budapest Klezmer Band:
Ferenc Jávori – piano
Bence Gazda – violin
Anna Nagy – harmonica
István Kohán – clarinet
Balázs Végh – percussion

1.Érik, érik a cseresznye / The Cherry is Ripening
2.Tisztelet Kodály Zoltánnak / Hommage á Zoltán Kodály
3.Oyfn Pripetshik
5.Botoló / Dance with Sticks
6.Ustyi sheje
7.Három árva / Three Orphans
8.Oláhos variáció / Variations on Transylvanian Dance Melody
9.Mária-ének / Holy Maria
10.Kárpáti dal - Vándordal / Song from the Pannonian Basin - Song of Wandering
11.Szerelmesdalok I. / Love Songs I.
12.Szerelmesdalok II. / Love Songs II.
13.Szerelmesdalok III. / Love Songs III.
14.Dona, dona
16.S'Yiddishe Meydele
17.Di mekhutonim
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VLM 001 CD 2011   0.00