"We recorded this CD in my parents' memory, whom I can thank for everything. (...)
The driving force in music is the tension - tranquility dynamic. Life is pushed forward by tension, that's the spice of it all. Tranquility is only interesting in its light. On this CD there is more tranquility than tension. Not to reflect modern life, but to provide a way to counteract it." - Gábor Juhász
Gábor Juhász - guitar
Péter Papesch - bass guitar
Fodo (Sándor Födő) - drum, percussion, sansula
Kristóf Bacsó - saxophone
Ferenc Schreck - trombone
Mihály Borbély - saxophone
Attila László - guitar
1. | Altskivi | 2. | Tavasz, Pécs, Dylan / Spring, Pécs, Dylan | 3. | Nyár / Summer | 4. | Pompa / Splendour | 5. | Ősz / Autumn | 6. | Tél / Winter | 7. | Tangó, Szentbékálla / Tango, Szetbékálla | 8. | Búcsú / Farewell | 9. | Kék nefelejcs / Blue Forget-Me-Not |