"The songs in this album all capture the feeling of love from diferent perspectives. This emotion, be it happy and fulfilled of hopeless or forbidden, helps experience the true depth and width of life. Folksongs express all the hues of this experience openly and frankly, without any artificial of false overtones. The most complex and often ambivalent human feelings are worded with a unique ease and spontaneity.
Folksongs open up the wonderful treasury of the human soul; we only have to pick the ones most fitting our personality and current feelings.
For this album, I picked the songs being closest to my true self. " - Ágnes Enyedi
Ágnes Enyedi - voice
Zoltán Dulai - fiddle
Tamás Gombai - fiddle
Levente Major - fiddle
István Pál "Szalonna" - fiddle
Gyula Karacs - 3- and 4-stringed violas
László Kelemen - 3-stringed viola
Róbert Doór - double bass
Péter Molnár - double bass
Tamás Enyedi - cimbalom
Dénes Juhász - whistle
Réka Juhász - hit gardon
Ferenc Ladányi - whistle
1. | Mert én csak egyet szeretek - There's Only One I Love | 2. | Az én rózsám nem érkezik - My Sweetheart is Late | 3. | Ludaim, ludaim - Geese, Geese | 4. | Tiszta szívből, szeretetből - Out of Sheer Love | 5. | Búzapirulásra - By Harvest Time | 6. | Kék ibolya - Blue Violet | 7. | Feljön még az én Napom is - My Sun's Gonna Rise | 8. | Hazám, hazám, drága hazám - My Sweet Homeland | 9. | Kék nefelejcs ráhajlott a vállamra - Forget-me-not on My Shoulder | 10. | Nyisd ki, rózsám az ajtót - My Sweetheart, Open Thy Door | 11. | Gerlemadár szerelmével - I Loved Thee with a Dove's Heart |