Periferic Records - Stereo Kft. H-1114 Budapest,
Bartók Béla út 59. tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Az ünnep
meditation |
1. | A kezdet | 2. | Tavaszköszöntő | 3. | A csodák tisztása | 4. | Tündérforrás | 5. | Kis emberek dala (altató) | 6. | Földanya | 7. | Újrakezdés | 8. | Körtánc | 9. | A rózsák kertje | 10. | A Föld ünnepe | 11. | Távolról a táj | 12. | Tündérmanók tánca | 13. | Az Ünnep |
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KOVICD 2010 |
CD |
2010   |
€ |
meditation |
1. | Találkozás a tündérekkel | 2. | Varázstánc I. | 3. | Varázstánc II. | 4. | Varázstánc III. | 5. | Varázstánc IV. | 6. | Varázstánc V. | 7. | Egy reggelen... | 8. | Add a kezed | 9. | Az örök szerelem fénye | 10. | Tisztító füst | 11. | A magányos csónakos | 12. | A varázslónő | 13. | Keleti szellő I. | 14. | Keleti szellő II. | 15. | Ilahat | 16. | A szelídség ereje | 17. | Búcsú a tündérektől |
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KOVICD 2009 |
CD |
2009   |
€ |
meditation |
1. | Gyertyaláng | 2. | Hajnali szél I. | 3. | Hajnali szél II. | 4. | Kikötő | 5. | Pillangó I. | 6. | Pillangó II. | 7. | Tenger | 8. | Ködös erdő | 9. | Tündér-idézés | 10. | Tündértánc | 11. | Zöld domb | 12. | Kis csillag |
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KÖVICD 2008 |
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2008   |
€ |
The Best of (Körforgás - Válogatás)
meditation |
1. | Öböl | 2. | Felhőjáró | 3. | Druidák tánca | 4. | Titkos kert | 5. | Szellőtánc | 6. | Erdőtánc II. | 7. | Aranykor | 8. | Kék tenger meditáció | 9. | Megaptera | 10. | Reggeli meditáció | 11. | Esti meditáció | 12. | Túlpart | 13. | Varázslat | 14. | Kék bolygó (új változat) |
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CD |
2006   |
€ |
meditation |
1. | Druidák tánca | 2. | Varázslat | 3. | Közös ünnep | 4. | Az erdő szelleme | 5. | Szertartás | 6. | Emlékek kastélya | 7. | Parázs | 8. | Illatos füst | 9. | Hegyek üzenete | 10. | Mese a tűznél | 11. | Búcsú a varázslóktól | 12. | Búcsú a varázslók erdejétől |
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KOVICD 2006 |
CD |
2006   |
€ |
The Pilgrim (A zarándok)
meditation |
Pilgrim is a fictious person; the album recalls his World tour. Anyone of us could be this person who is searching for purifying.The pilgrimage is the analogy of life as we looking for a goal and keep going and going. Meanwhile we hope that we find all the answers to our questions. The first song is „Changing wind”. In fact this kind of wind brings change in one’s life. One time we feel the fragrance of that sweet spring wind and a special power what draws us from the remoteness to go. The way always makes us wiser and skilled. The last song is „Calmy wind”; this is about the pleasure of arriving home. The music takes us to special places with unique singing voices and instruments. Listen to the passage with the music player!
The author’s recommendation: this music is espacially good for learning, relaxing, reflection and for driving. Less recommended for massage and meditation. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Változó szél | 2. | Ősi templom | 3. | Hosszú ösvény | 4. | Őserdő titka | 5. | Szavanna | 6. | Kék ég | 7. | Beavatás | 8. | Vörös nap | 9. | A fák népe | 10. | Öböl | 11. | Alvó vadon | 12. | Vándor | 13. | Nyugodt szél |
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KÖVICD 2005 |
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2005   |
€ |
Blue Sea Meditation (Kék tenger meditáció)
meditation |
73 minutes music with the voices of the sea for meditation, relaxation, massage, for healing therapy and for sleeping. The slow and romantic tunes makes our soul calm. In fact the songs are long and continous compositions without dinamical variances, wich keeps the meditative mood of the music. Read more about the album „Blue sea meditation” in the „ So it was made…” submenu in Magazine menu. Listen to the passage with the Flash Music Player!
The author’s recommandation: especially good for massage, joga, therapy, cosmetology, sauna, wellness. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Kék tenger meditáció | 2. | Aranyhíd | 3. | Ezüsthíd | 4. | Sziget | 5. | Aranyhíd |
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KÖVICD 2004 |
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2004   |
€ |
The secret garden (A titkos kert)
meditation |
The „Secret garden” is the Earth our only home and refuge which shines like a blue perl in the sea of the endless space. The music let us fly around from bird's eye view of beautiful lands above our planet with lots of voice from the nature and with the elements of folk music. Read more about the album „Secret garden” in the „ So it was made…” submenu in the Magazine menu. Listen to the passage with the Flash Music Player!
The author’s recommendation: especially good for learning, reflexing, relaxation, in wellness hotels, for therapy, in sauna, in cosmetology and for driving. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Nagy Hegyek | 2. | Lagúna | 3. | Sivatag | 4. | Titkos kert | 5. | Világtenger | 6. | Tündérdomb | 7. | Esőerdő | 8. | Partvidék | 9. | Menedék | 10. | Föld mandala |
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KÖVICD 2003 |
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2003   |
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The Land of Silence (A csend országa)
meditation |
Where can we find „the land of silence"? This is the soul, the empire of the inner silence that we usually do not really know. If anything disturbs us, there is always tranquillity somewhere at the bottom of our inner soul, but we have to reach it. Do we care enough for our spiritual progress?
Maybe, it is more important who we became than what we realized during our life... You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Csend országa | 2. | Kék bolygó | 3. | Körforgás | 4. | Szellőtánc | 5. | Születés előtt | 6. | Csillagvándor I. | 7. | Csillagvándor II. | 8. | Repülés | 9. | A Felhők királya | 10. | A Csend országa |
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KÖVICD 97003 |
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2001   |
€ |
Dimension Gate (Dimenziókapu)
new-age |
This music invites you to an exciting journey. The first and the last dynamic tracks set the record in a frame, and the middle part tries to take you to a meditative state.
I think that we can find the key of eternity inside of us. The most important moments are those that we can spend with ourselves. I would like you to become more abundant with this estimable time while you are listening to this music. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Világokon át I. | 2. | Világokon át II. | 3. | Az Álom kezdete | 4. | Égig érő Fa | 5. | Emlék | 6. | Múlt | 7. | Dimenziókapu | 8. | Túlpart | 9. | Üveghegy | 10. | Visszatérés |
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KÖVICD 97001 |
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1999   |
€ |
Cloudwalker (Felhőjáró)
meditation |
The „Cloudwalker" visualizes the life story of a human being from before birth until the moment of death, from the respect of spiritual progress. For me, spiritual progress means the way that man passes.
The stages of spiritual progress are the losses in our life. We lose illusions, objects, relationships, people and we gain knowledge, experience and faith in the spiritual life. The last stage is the death („In twist"), when we lose it to which we are attached: our proper life. That is why this is the most important part of this work, when at the end of the last track the soul leaves this world. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Kifelé az időből | 2. | Levegő elem | 3. | Gurudév | 4. | Örömtánc | 5. | Govardan (Szent hegy) | 6. | Szentély | 7. | Téli dal | 8. | Felhőjáró | 9. | Kifelé az időből | 10. | Sodrásban |
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KÖVICD 001 |
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1997   |
€ |
Megaptera - the Song of Whale (Megaptera)
meditation |
When I composed this work and during my concerts, I meditate:
„I imagine that the Earth is floating in space in front of me like a tiny ball. I hear a whale voice from a distance, which is like a cry for help of the ecosphere. I try to clear the „bad" things away from the Earth, with the help of air, flowing out from my instrument.
During the last track („Blue Planet"), I fly round the Earth from bird’s-eye view and I can see that everything goes well."
I am convinced that the world surrounding us is actually the image of our thoughts. If there is clash of opinions in our head, then chaos is going to be the ruler. We are able to transform our surroundings with changing our way of thinking, and if lots of people change their mind, we can conduct the planet back from the way leading towards destruction.
I am engaged on this with all of my means and I made this record with the purpose of making things better. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Megaptera I. | 2. | Megaptera II. | 3. | Kék bolygó |
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AS 041 |
CD |
1996   |
€ |
Morning and Evening Meditation (Reggeli-esti meditáció)
meditation |
This music consists of three long tracks (each of them 23 minutes). Each track was made to a part of the day. You can find original warbling of birds. This record is suitable for falling asleep or putting children to sleep, healing and relaxing, because the music is tranquil and balanced throughout. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Reggeli meditáció | 2. | Esti meditáció | 3. | Kék bolygó |
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KÖVICD 97002 |
CD |
1996   |
€ |
Song of the Forest (Az erdő dala)
meditation |
The forest is the symbol of finding spirituality. When I read the stories about Krsna’s life, I tried to express its atmosphere in music. I did not compose this music in Indian style, because the place where it happens is not as important as the eternal meaning of the story.
Vrindavan is the forest where Krsna spent his childhood. The second to last track, The city of Dvaraka is a place, which was built in the sea on an artificial island. According to legends, this was Krsna’s city. When he left the Earth, this city was destroyed. According to some people, Dvaraka was the so-called vanished Atlantis.
This record is the favorite one of women and children because of its tranquillity. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Prológ | 2. | Szent erdő I. | 3. | Aludj kicsi Gopál | 4. | Erdőtánc I. | 5. | Erdőtánc II. | 6. | Erdőtánc III. | 7. | Szent erdő II. | 8. | Napkelte | 9. | Reggeli meditáció | 10. | Látomás | 11. | Dváraka városa | 12. | Epilóg |
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KOVICD 97004 |
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1996   |
€ |
Floating (Lebegés)
meditation |
I tried to comprehend sounds, images, thoughts (not being able to express by words) and to compose them or to express them in music. You can listen to more than 43 minutes of music here: http://www.koviszabolcs.hu/
1. | Változó világ | 2. | Legbenső Én | 3. | Hegyek | 4. | Lebegés | 5. | Aranykor | 6. | Alkony | 7. | Őszi eső | 8. | A gondolat | 9. | Gaia meditáció | 10. | Időtlen út |
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KÖVICD 97005 |
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1993   |
€ |