Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Kormorán / Gáspár Álmos
The Legend of Bálványos Castle
(Bálványosvár legendája)
folk rock

Enlarge this picture! In Bálványosfürdő (in Transylvania), left from the road to Kézdivásárhely, the ruins of Bálványosvár can be seen on a conical rock in a picturesque landscape surrounded by the streams Suvadás, Várpatak and Bálványos.
In the old times it was inhabited by local governors whose descendants were members of the famous historic Apor family. The castle had long been strong and invincible, even the Tartars could not occupy it. Bálványosvár was lost only when the Austrian soldiers besieged it.
The young lord of the castle, István Apor caught sight of Imola, the only beautiful and very rich daughter of the Mike family in a market and immediately fell in love with her. The girl returned István’s love but they both regretted that the young Apor was pagan which was an important obstacle so that the marriage was out of question. Imola grieved and cried and István suffered also of the unaccomplished love. In his despair he went to the sulphurous mortal cave of Büdös-barlang to put an end to his sorrow life. On his way he met the fortune-teller priest who consoled him when he learned the reason of his sadness. He proposed to István to abduct the girl and everything will be all right. István acted accordingly, lay in wait for the girl near the church on Sunday and when Imola came out of the mass he took her on his horse and rushed away to the castle of Bálványos. It caused great uproar, Lady Mike kept shouting all around about this tragic event, the incited people besieged the castle to free the girl. In the battle István’s two brothers, many soldiers and others died but they did not succeed in keeping the castle. The besiegers broke the gate and the situation turned to be tragic. Then, in despair, Imola asked István to become Christian as this could end the fighting and her parents would agree with their alliance. But the young hero did not want to give up the belief of their ancestors. He promised to baptize his future children. Imola was then very happy as nothing prevented their union, but something unexpected happened. Fairies were in the castle who, at nights, built the castle working until cock crow but when they heard István Apor’s promise they became angry and cursed the castle which promptly collapsed. In the great noise Imola set to pray in a vivid voice: my Lord, Jesus Christ! Do not leave me, help me. István invoked God, too and God listened to their prayers. When everything became silent the young couple was unhurt in the ruins. They got married. István kept his promise, and to the joy of Imola, her mother, the priests and the people, he baptized all his children. Another version says the István himself was baptized that same day. The pagan fairies disappeared from the castle for ever.
(after Jenő Gub)

„I was born in Kézdivásárhely (Transylvania) in 1958. A self-made musician, my father aroused my interest in music. I was happy to grow up at a time with no TV-programs therefore we sat day and night in the rehearsal room. I met the folk-dance movement rather late but was fascinated by folk music and it became my vocation. Spending holidays at the foot of mount Bálványos, I was interested in the secrets hidden by the castle. After the Revolution (in Romania) I moved to Hungary and soon found myself in the band Kormorán. Kormorán mixed rock and folk music in me. I hope this album helps to understand the message of our ancestors.”
Álmos Gáspár

Gáspár Álmos – violin, keyboards, programming
Géczi Erika – vocal
Koltay Gergely – flutes
Szűts István – keyboards
Zsoldos Tamás – bass guitar
Fábián Zoltán – guitars
Csávás Attila – flutes, bagpipe

2.Attacca affrettando
5.Appassionato languendo
7.Battuta animatio
10.Molto concitato
14.Psalmus riminscencia
15.Saltato rustico
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BGCD 193 CD 2008   0.00