Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Szkítia zenekar
Rajzolt világ folk rock

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1.Hazát, házat
2.Tiéd az ország
3.Bukott angyal
4.A város felé
5.Rajzolt világ
6.Titkos szerelem
7.Népünk golgotája
8.Erdély majd egyszer hazatalál
9.Álmodni könnyű
10.Örökölt tűz
11.A káprázat völgyén
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NAILCD 273 CD 2017   0.00
folk rock

Enlarge this picture! The idea of the new album „DAWNFIREDANCE” (HAJNALTŰZTÁNC) of the ensemble SZKÍTIA (SCYTHIA) was inspired by a rune of the ancient Arvisura, meaning “tell the truth”. Arvisuras are the regularly written and held tradition of the samans of 24 Hun tribes. Arvisuras were carved by runic writing on clay, stone or gold plates. The saman Palots Zoltán Paál (1913-1982) had a collection of Arvisuras considered as the Old Testament of the Hun-Hungarian tribes because it contains our true written history of more than 6000 years. Similarly to the Bible, Arvisura is also a coded text with multiple meanings, that is important hidden information are behind the first message and between the lines, relating to the creation, the cosmic knowledge – which have only been seen and understood by few.
The objective of SZKÍTIA is to make the audience think over the message of the songs and that with the help of music and István Atilla Szőke’s thoughts we go through the path of PAST, determine the aims of the PRESENT, the meaning of our mission and discover together the secrets of FUTURE. By studying the PAST we can realize how grateful we must be to the Creator that we belong to a nation the history of which goes back to the most ancient known times. In the PRESENT with the help of our songs, we might give confidence, faith and hope to our fellow Hungarians. Being Hungarian does not only mean a citizenship but rather a spiritual quality which now has an important mission: make peace and order in our environment by knowledge and love. Let’s have confidence in our FUTURE. The only option is to unravel the mystery and that we seize the knowledge. With this in mind and with the force of love, we have a chance to shape our better future.

Imre Bedőcs – vocal
László G. Szabó – guitar
György Kalcsó – bass
János Koszta – drums
Tibor Molnár – violin
Richárd Pad – keyboards
Mónika Pataki – vocal
Erika Sztrebka – vocal

József Pintér – zither
Ferenc Ségercz - pipes

1.Isten citerája - God's Zither (6:04)
2.Azt éreztem nagy szél támad - Wide Wing is Coming (4:07)
3.Hajnaltűztánc - Dawnfiredance (6:30)
4.Áldás - Blessing (5:12)
5.Kéthelyi menyecskék - Kéthely Brides (4:35)
6.Lágy csöndű szavakkal - With Softsilence Words (5:13)
7.Az én szívem mikor dobban - When My Heart Starts Beat (2:42)
8.Válaszféle - Kind of Answer (5:48)
9.Magyar iskolát, sokat! - Be More Hungarian School! (4:39)
10.Örökké lobogjon - Wawe Forever (5:38)
11.Fohász - Prayer (5:47)
bonus track
1.Trianon "90” (5:21)
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BGCD 208 CD 2010   0.00
Tiszta szívvel, úttalan útakon folk rock

Enlarge this picture! SZKÍTIA formed in 2004 is generally mentioned as the new generation of the Hungarian folk-rock. The main objective of SZKÍTIA is to protect and maintain the Hungarian traditions of folk music. These values are integral part of the Hungarian cultural heritage. Thus, SZKÍTIA goes on with the activity started by KORMORÁN three decades ago. The young musicians have taken their inspiration from the Hungarian folk music. Their music is rooted in a mixture of folk atmosphere, high quality hard rock and dynamic power metal. The guitar playing either acoustic themes or rattling riffs (rhythmic figures) harmonizes well with the folk-style violin; similarly the flute with the key instrument, such as piano or Hammond organ. The philosophy emerges into a complete concept by the special masculine sound and the subtle feminine sound. The folk-song inspired texts of SZKÍTIA emphasize love, national feeling and respect of traditions which are sometimes completed by the adaptation of some Hungarian classical poets. In certain cases, a strong social criticism appears among the lines referring to folk songs. The music makes allusion to the unique clothing showing some old Hungarian and Scythian motives which is in harmony with the thoughts completed by the view. The introductory album entitled Two thousand years old song was released by Periferic Records in 2007.


László G. Szabó - guitar
Marianna Hajas - violin, clarinet
György Kalcsó - bass
Mónika Pataki - vocal
Richárd Pad - keyboards
Károly Fiedler - drums
Levente Ráduly - vocal
Erika Sztrebka - vocal
Ferenc Tóth - flute

András Gyimesi - acoustic guitar

1.Wass Albert útján - Following Albert Wass (5:31)
2.Trianon (5:49)
3.Nimród hitet örző dala - Nimrod's Song (5:38)
4.Tiszta szívvel - With a Pure Heart (4:54)
5.A gyökér megmarad - The Root Remains (6:20)
6.Intelem - Warning (4:53)
7.Szél szárnyán - By the Wing of Wind (5:38)
8.Góg és Magóg fia vagyok én - I am the Son of Gog and Magog (6:12)
9.A nemzethez - To the Nation (5:31)
10.Úttalan Útakon - Along Untrodden Ways (1:27)
bonus track
1.'56 szellemében - In the Spirit of '56 (5:24)
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BGKV 001 CD+book 2008   0.00
Kétezer éves ének folk rock

Enlarge this picture! Szkitia plays Kormorán-like folk-rock.

László G. Szabó - guitar
Marianna Hajas - violin, clarinet
György Kalcsó - bass
Mónika Pataki - vocal
Richárd Pad - keyboards
Barnabás Pápai - drums
Levente Ráduly - vocal
Erika Sztrebka - vocal
Ferenc Tóth - flute

Gergely Koltay (Kormorán) - wind instruments
István Szűts (Kormorán, Payé) - accordion
Alex Horsch - throat vocal, doromb, furaja, kaval, flutes

1.Zöld erdőben (6:47)
2.Árvíz (5:10)
3.Fűzfa ága reám hajlik (5:05)
4.Vidd el madár a levelem (3:29)
5.Kétezer éves ének (6:11)
6.Felszállott a páva (4:51)
7.Szomorú az idő (4:32)
8.Ez az ország nem eladó (7:48)
9.Hírhozó (5:43)
10.Hazám, hazám (6:34)
11.Szabadság, szerelem (7:03)
12.Óda (5:29)
13.Az hol én elmegyek (4:15)
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BGCD 177 CD 2007   0.00