Krisztina Pavella was singing in the Boglarka Ensemble between 1985 and 1991, she has been a member of the Pantlika Folk Choir since 1985 and the Bugyi Folk Circle since 1996. She has been the leader of the Kenderike Zither Group since 1991. In 1998 she became the zither instructor of the folk music section of the Kazinczy Ferenc Art Primary School, and since 1996 she has been the music teacher - teaching singing - of the Cimbora Ensemble.
Since 1989 László Kovács has been the leader of the Folk music Workshop of the Szemere Pál Cultura Centre and the Cimbora Ensemble in Pécel - Pest country, Hungary. In 1996 he became the artistic director of the Dinomdanom Folk Music Ensemble in Ráckeve, and since 1998 he has been leading the Folk Circle in Nyársapáti. Since 1991 he has been the member of the Hungarian Folk Trio.
1. | Bakonyi katonadalok | 2. | Farsangi vénlánycsúfoló | 3. | Moldvai katonadalok | 4. | Magyarszováti dallamok | 5. | Nógrádi lakodalmas dalok | 6. | Húsvéti ének | 7. | A házaséletrôl | 8. | Gyimesi dallamok | 9. | Bukovinai ballada | 10. | Székelyföldi furulyadallamok | 11. | Aratódalok | 12. | Somogyi dalok | 13. | Karácsonyi énekek |